Our “Strategy Sprint” is a 2-day workshop meticulously crafted to catalyse executive alignment and action around growth strategies, with a potential focus on intelligent digital innovation.

Further to our STRATEGY ADVISORY service, you might want to complement your growth strategy exploration with our STRATEGY SPRINT workshop. It is particularly relevant for yearly executive strategic retreat meetings.  

Participants of this workshop are normally executive teams, some board members, and potentially some internal experts from corporate strategy, finance, product, or sales teams.


1. Workshop preparation

Interviews with the different stakeholders and participants of the workshop to analyse your specific business context.

High level market dynamic assessment.

Any preparation of materials that could be used during the workshop to illustrate or inspire debated questions.

2. Workshop execution

Workshop Day-1 – “WHY and WHAT”

Day 1 delves into the “Why” and “What,” blending interactive discussions, presentations, and expert-led talks to inspire and ground your strategy. This day employs a mix of ideation techniques and data analytics, creating a fertile environment for both creative thinking and fact-based decision-making.

Workshop Day-2 – “HOW and WHEN”

Day 2 focuses on the “How,” using facilitated breakout sessions and scenario planning exercises to explore growth avenues. Whether it’s market penetration or radical transformation, we employ techniques like SWOT analysis, prioritization matrices, roadmap plotting, but also data intelligence tools, to provide a structured approach to decision-making. Day 2 closes with a next step action planning, defining roles and organization assignment and aligning on setting budget allocation ambitions.




Office in Europe

Head Office – 6 Rue du Revely, 06600, Antibes, France