You are exploring new path of growth? Start with our strategy advisory delivered by our expert to quickly paint a reliable top-down picture.

Navigate the complexities of growth with our consultation advisory service, tailored for travel and transportation businesses. Whether you’re a startup, SME, or large corporation, we can help you better articulate on the “Why” by sharing our hands-on knowledge of competitive market landscapes. 

Quickly deep dive into the “What” by refining vision and setting relevant measurable goals accounting the reality of market dynamics that might be new to you. Unlock the “How,” exploring digital and data-centric avenues for growth, an area where we excel.

Consultation sessions are usually delivered remotely. They can be organized on an hourly basis or daily. 


Pre-defined number of sessions can also be agreed upfront from which preferential fees may apply. Prior each session, an agenda is agreed and set-up to structure exchanges and maximize the outcome.


1. Advisory specification analysis

You specify by email (at or via our website form (here), the topics and questions on which you require some advisory. If further details are required, we will reach out to you accordingly.

2. Expert identification & allocation

Depending on the areas to be advised on, Fairval identifies and brings on the appropriate expert. In the same way, in case Fairval does not have any appropriate expert, you will be notified.

3. Recorded video consultations

Video consultations are then scheduled, executed, and recorded for post-session review from your end. Fairval sends the recording of the session and then deletes it from its systems. An NDA gets signed by Fairval and its experts whenever necessary.




Office in Europe

Head Office – 6 Rue du Revely, 06600, Antibes, France