Innovation Designing is about detailed studies necessary for ensuring that you are making your innovation ideas desirable, feasible, and viable.

It usually fits perfectly after an Innovation Design Sprint as it bridges in further details, the gap between vision and reality.

As such we have clustered our studies into three clusters

  • Desirability Studies 
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Viability Studies


Desirability Studies

Desirability studies centre on understanding market demand, evaluating competition, and establishing specific requirements and priorities for your solution.

Market Validation

We gauge potential demand by organizing dedicated customer interviews to pinpoint key issues your target customers face and assess how your solution addresses these concerns. Feedback from illustrative user scenarios refines our approach, complemented by a comprehensive market sizing and dynamics analysis.

Competition Analysis

Overcome the common hurdle of inadequate competitive landscape understanding with our thorough competition analysis study. Such state-of-the-art study is usually crucial for securing funding through research and innovation tax credit schemes.

Rapid Functional Prototyping

Our experts assist in creating various prototype forms to collect more effective user and customer feedback. There can be different types of prototypes we deliver here depending on the exploration maturity stage of your innovation, namely, paper prototypes, low fidelity digital wireframes, static mock-ups, click-through to fully interactive mock-ups.

Value-Driven Priority Planning

Our detailed business process analysis reveals key innovation-related features or activities for prioritization in your implementation and investment roadmap ranked by potential of value creation. To achieve this, we first deliver what we call a value map analysis.

Data Science Modelling

This type of study is where Fairval particularly excels. Our data scientists typically have strong experience in various travel & transportation fields and are familiar with the topology of key industry data structures exchanged between travel & transportation systems. They assist in enhancing your data-centric innovation by helping you build, train, and validate AI-based algorithms to analyse data, make predictions, or derive descriptive insights. These models are typically built using supervised / unsupervised machine learning, reinforced learning techniques through neuronal networks, although traditional statistical methods, as well as symbolic or feature-based AI, can also be employed.

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies evaluate the practicality of implementing your innovation within certain financial constraints.

Functional and Technical Architecture

Through this study, our Fairval functional architects possess strong functional and business know-how to outline the different key functional components of your innovation. For example, in the case of a Real-Time Luggage Tracking System in aviation, we would outline key components like passenger apps, luggage sensors, and analytics engines. Fairval functional architects would also specify how these components interact and handle data flows, down to providing a high-level design of interfaces required for such interactions. To design innovations that effectively integrate existing and future components, we may use a unique AI-based knowledge graph tool generator to visually map out the relationships between different components effectively, making it easier to identify relevant interaction flows and interfaces. At the technical layer level, our architecture studies address scalability, security, and technology stack choices. Our Fairval experts have been exposed to the specificity of travel and transport-related systems requiring real-time processing with high throughput of transaction data processing. Cost estimates and compliance considerations are included to provide a complete roadmap for development.

Rapid Technical Prototyping

The goal of rapid technical prototyping is to quickly deliver a subset of the target innovative solution to test and validate very critical technical hypothesis, which would compromise a successful innovation implementation if not feasible. Fairval experts prototype the bare minimum to validate a critical design assumption. Whenever possible to speed up the development aspect, our experts might use no-code or low-code development frameworks, which are partly, if not fully, reusable for the implementation of an initial minimum viable product, i.e., “MVP”.

Rapid Functional Prototyping

Our experts assist in creating various prototype forms to collect more effective user and customer feedback. There can be different types of prototypes we deliver here depending on the exploration maturity stage of your innovation, namely, paper prototypes, low fidelity digital wireframes, static mock-ups, click-through to fully interactive mock-ups.

Requirements & Solution Detailed Specifications

This type of study typically follows a previous assignment related to functional and technical architecture studies. Our functional solution experts can contribute by delivering detailed requirement analysis and solution specification at both component and interface levels. Our expertise relating to industry standards such as IATA standards in Aviation or similar in ground transportation or maritime, enables Fairval to be more relevant and effective. 

Viability Studies

Viability studies assess not just technological feasibility but also commercial sustainability, encompassing business model analysis and design, especially for technology and digital domains within travel and transportation sectors.

Business Model Analysis and Design

Our specialized service scrutinizes and constructs your revenue models, cost structures, and value propositions to meet market demands. We employ various frameworks such as the Business Model Canvas and Lean Start-up methodology, but also more specific ones relating to designing platform-based 2-sided business models through which a network effect could be leveraged.

Product/Market Fit Planning & Validation

We assist in identifying and validating the product-market fit by employing data-driven methodologies that measure consumer demand and adaptability. We use a mix of qualitative and quantitative analysis, surveys, and A/B testing to ensure your product aligns with market needs.

Customer Pilot Programs

We excel in planning, designing, and executing customer pilot programs, enabling you to refine your solutions based on tangible data and feedback before a full market launch. Our service extends to identifying and introducing potential customer pilot candidates, often leveraging our extensive network in travel and transportation. Through careful planning, we establish the pilot’s objectives, KPIs, and target customer segments, followed by rigorous data collection and analysis.




Office in Europe

Head Office – 6 Rue du Revely, 06600, Antibes, France